These short PDs offer teachers a practical understanding of how to engage with Nā Hopena A'o (HĀ) through the arts in ways that integrate with curriculum instruction, behavioral management, and social emotional needs.
To help teachers experience more understanding and confidence around how to teach & use arts strategies in their classrooms as tools to engage students in curriculum content and desired HĀ outcomes. Each workshop offers strategies and ideas that can be quickly incorporated into instruction.
For each stand alone workshop another day can be scheduled with the Arts Integration RT for follow up, observation, and reflection. This is highly encouraged and recommended to strengthen teachers’ application of these strategies in their classrooms & school communities
Duration: 1.5-2 hrs
Description: How can we use music to strengthen our connection to Hawaiʻi, our kuleana, to our community, and our love for ourselves? Teachers will leave this workshop with a new understanding of “teaching music” in the classroom. Strategies shared will support and empower teachers in enhancing their current lessons to align with and deeply enhance studentsʻ understanding of Nā Hopena Aʻo.
Strategies taught include:
music to support inquiry based learning
music as a storytelling tool
music as a means to support social emotional well-being
Kaliko Kaauamo is an educator, singer, kalo farmer, and Hawaiian language advocate. As a classroom teacher for over a decade she has seen the deep connections students are able to make to Hawaiʻi when they learn the unique stories and songs of this place. Kaliko is inspired by music as a tool to transport students into stories, to support students in using Hawaiiʻs indigenous language, and in activating a deep love of place in students of all ages.
COST: $500
Description coming soon
Themes: Mindful movement for health and breath (aka yoga) taught through a Hawaiian language & cultural lens.
Kilihune Ka'aihue was born and raised on the shores of Kailua, 'O'ahu. With over 40 years of hula training, she's dedicated her life to building a firm foundation in health and wellness as a Hawaiian cultural practitioner and educator. She recently completed her formal 'ūniki training as kumu hula and believes that our mana lies within the valuable connections we establish to our three piko, in simple terms; mind, body and spirit. When we culturally engage and mālama our mental (mind), physical (body) and emotional (spirt) well-being, we become well-balanced kanaka rich in our identity and purposeful in serving our lāhui in beneficial ways. As an aerialist, dancer and yoga teacher on Maui for the past 24 years, she has seen the longevity of her career apparent in her cultural approach to movement, yoga, breath work and diet. She hopes to instill these 'ike Hawaiʻi health practices to the next generation building stronger self connections for our youth to thrive.
COST: $500
Description: How can close observation deepen our sense of belonging and connect students both to place and core content? Teachers will learn a simple, scaffolded approach to mindful observational drawing that allows students to notice deeply and build both a personal connection with and direct knowledge of the object they draw. Once learned, this approach can be used to draw objects meaningful to core content goals and deepen discoveries across subjects.
Strategies Taught Include:
Contour Line Drawing
Observational Practices
Visual arts as a way to strengthen a sense of excellence, responsibility, total wellbeing, belonging, and connection
“What better way to ground ourselves in a place than to observe intently and draw? Like many of my students, I too grew up on Maui, and much of my art is about the island’s unique ecosystems and species. When we deeply observe, we feel a connection to our subject. We become curious and eager to connect to knowledge from our core subjects. Our learning takes on meaning, and the experience becomes a part of us.”
Maggie has her certification to teach K-5 and Visual Arts K-12. In 2016 she helped found Pride Prep Charter School in Spokane, WA, which specializes in project based learning. She taught classes to 6-8th graders that connected the arts to Language Arts, Science, and community projects. On Maui she has run her own art camps, as well as taught art at Kula Elementary, Pomaika’i Elementary, the Maui Arts and Cultural Center, Big Brothers Big Sisters, the Hui No’eau Visual Arts Center, and more.
COST: $500